Wheelchairs needed in Ukraine

Ukraine Lutsk wheelchair ArtemMy name is Artem. I have a neck injury, so I’m paralyzed and unable to walk. Without a wheelchair I have to stay home in my bed all day long.

Unfortunately wheelchairs in Ukraine are so expensive that my family was not able to buy one for me. However, some friends from outside of Ukraine helped to provide one for me.

Now I can go outdoors, kick my soccer ball, attend church and go shopping with my family. My wheelchair is like a second pair of legs for me!

Help to provide basic and motorized wheelchairs
In Ukraine, there is little governmental infrastructure to provide assistance to people with disabilities.

1. Active mechanical wheelchairs cost $500-$1,000. You gift will help to provide mobility for those who cannot walk on their own.
2. Motorized wheelchairs cost $3,000-$5,000. They are used by the disabled people whose arms and legs are completely paralyzed. Without these devices, they are completely dependent on others.

2014-11-07 12.31.59One of our partners in the city of Lutsk has built a rehab center for children and adults with special needs. In addition to assessments and rehabilitation, the center provides wheelchairs to meet the unique needs of each person.

Donation Options:
Global Fokus is a recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. More info

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